Presciption Drug Plans
Medicare Part D prescription plans are insurance for your medication needs. You pay a monthly premium to your insurance carrier for your part D plan. Depending on the plan, you will pay a co-pay or a percentage of the cost of each prescription, your insurance company will pay the rest. There are a variety of Medicare prescription plans to fit your particular needs.
With Original Medicare, the Part D Plan is separate from Medicare Part A and B. With a Medicare Advantage plan, it is usually included in the same plan along with Part A and B. You CANNOT apply for Medicare Part D if you are enrolled in a Medicare Advantage Plan, so check before you sign up.

Important Tips and Tricks
You may be eligible for help with your Medicare Part D Premium or your co-payments. To learn more, click on the Extra Help tab above.
If you already have Prescription Coverage through another plan you will want to understand how Part D works with your coverage before making any changes or enrolling in Part D. The list of other plans and how Medicare Part D works with them is located here. has created a booklet called "Things to think about when you compare Medicare drug coverage."